[Verse-dev] Bug or in verse server

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Mon Jul 24 20:07:18 CEST 2006


> send: verse_send_g_polygon_delete(node_id = 3 polygon_id = 0 );
> ...
> send: verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(node_id = 3 layer_id = 1
> polygon_id = 4294967295 v0 = 12 v1 = 14 v2 = 7 v3 = 3 );
> ...
> receive: verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(node_id = 3 layer_id = 1
> polygon_id = 0 v0 = 0 v1 = 4 v2 = 14 v3 = 12 ); callback = 0x9c9d7d
> ...
> receive: verse_send_g_polygon_delete(node_id = 3 polygon_id = 0 );
> callback = 0x9c9c3c
> As you can see, shaking of order of verse command is very BAD in this
> case, because verse server deletes new created face in my verse
> application, but old face wasn't deleted.

Interesting. When i first looked at this i assumed that verse was  
broken. But now I'm not so sure... Does it also happen when you don't  
use the id 4294967295? (you know you can choose the id of polygons  

I will look in to this further. if could be connected to the semicolon  
bug Emil found.

You now you don't need to delete the old polygon, you can just over  
write it with a new one. So tor instance if you split a polygon in to  
two, you change the reference of the original polygon to become the  
first half then you create a new one to become the second half.



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