[Verse-dev] Feature request

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Mon Jul 24 20:18:30 CEST 2006


Having a define for the server to make it print out any rejected  
commands is a great idea. I will do that. Probably not before siggraph  

> I have one feature request, which can help with development of verse
> application. It can happen, that verse application with some bug sends
> sometimes weird command for example:
> verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(vnode_id=3, vlayer_id=1,
> vface_id=3, v1=4, v2=14, v3=2, v4=6)
> and for example there is no vertex with id 14. Could verse server prints
> some error/warning message to stderr, something like this:

Verse will not reject that command if no vertex 14 exists. if it did  
it would make it much harder to write apps since you would have to  
confirm that vertexes was created before you could create the polygons.

On the other hand as it is now, you need to make sure that the  
vertexes in the polygon exists before you can draw them.

verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32 can be rejected for 3 reasons:  
1 the node is not a geometry node, 2 the layer is not of the right  
type, and 3 you do not have permission to create this polygon (not  

if you send verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32 with the first  
vertex as max unit, verse wont reject it but will treat it as a  
polygon delete.



PS Will there be a new Verse-blender out soon? with auto subscribe?

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