[Verse-dev] Feature request

Jiří Hnídek jiri.hnidek at tul.cz
Mon Jul 24 10:18:16 CEST 2006

I have one feature request, which can help with development of verse
application. It can happen, that verse application with some bug sends
sometimes weird command for example:

verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(vnode_id=3, vlayer_id=1,
vface_id=3, v1=4, v2=14, v3=2, v4=6)

and for example there is no vertex with id 14. Could verse server prints
some error/warning message to stderr, something like this:

ERROR: verse_send_g_polygon_set_corner_uint32(vnode_id=3, vlayer_id=1,
vface_id=3, v1=4, v2=14, v3=2, v4=6), no vert_id==14

stderr can be easily redirected to some file, console, etc. Bad verse
commands are dropped by verse server now and it is very hard to find
bugs like this in verse applications.

Best regards,

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