[Verse-dev] Some basics - Couldn't set ... buffer size

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Fri Apr 14 06:19:04 CEST 2006


> Hello and sorry I am such a 'newbie', but I guess we
> all have to start somewhere. I am new to programming
> (C specifically) and to the OpenGL/3D world.

Oh you are so welcome!

> When I build the verse server and run it, I always
> get, "v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of
> socket to 1048576
> v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket
> to 1048576".  The same occurs when using the makefile
> (I am currently using Project Builder MacOS X 10.28).
> So, none of the other projects can connect to the
> verse server (even the pre-built binaries).
> Do I need to open a port?  Am I missing Libraries or
> Framework?

No, You don't need to do a thing. Verse will work just fine.

The message you are getting is because verse tries to set the incoming and out
going network buffers to one megabyte. OSX doesn't like this so it throws an
error message. Still it will work. Normally UDP traffic isn't as heavy as with
verse so the operating systems set them to ridiculously low levels, so we set
them to ridiculously high levels....

If you want to fix it:

in the file v_network.c you will find the line:

int buffer_size = 1 << 20;

Set this to something lower an OSX will stop complaining. The best thing is to
find the highest possible value that you don't get an error for. (if you find
it mail it to me)



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