[Verse-dev] Some basics - Couldn't set ... buffer size

Robert S. Sarnoski movingplaid at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 05:49:15 CEST 2006

Hello and sorry I am such a 'newbie', but I guess we
all have to start somewhere. I am new to programming
(C specifically) and to the OpenGL/3D world.

I am trying to build some of the Verse projects with
MacOS X am having some problems.

When I build the verse server and run it, I always
get, "v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of
socket to 1048576
v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket
to 1048576".  The same occurs when using the makefile
(I am currently using Project Builder MacOS X 10.28).
So, none of the other projects can connect to the
verse server (even the pre-built binaries).

Do I need to open a port?  Am I missing Libraries or

Any help is great, Thanks in advance,

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