[Verse-dev] New tool: layer painter

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Sat Apr 8 06:42:35 CEST 2006


> I just wanted to drop a quick note annoncing that Eskil's latest tool,
> a "layer painter", has been committed to CVS.

Humm Emil as kind of turned in to my announcer.

Yes i have written a geometry layer pain tool. its is kind of simple, it was
required of me to write this tool for the universe project, but still i think
it will be useful. You can paint any layer types with it.

Usage is very simple left mouse button is for paining and slider, right is for
changing the view, and the middle is for a pop up menu where you can select
node and layers.

Something i would like to point out is that this application automatically
groups layers together. so if you have layers "color_r",  "color_g" and
"color_b" , the menu will only show "color" and when you switch to it you can
paint all three layers at once. I would suggest any one doing any paint like
tools look at that and copy it. It is way better then having the user have to
map color_r to red, color_g to green and color_b to blue manually.

Also a few days ago Emil released a new version of connector, its not really
done yet, but it has some really useful new things. First of all in the back
ground you can now see the entire scene in full 3D in hidden wireframe (I love
hidden wireframe...). you can press the right mouse button to rotate 
around it.
you can also click at a object in the 3d view to bring it up. Also i added a
popup menu (middle mouse button) where you can turn on and off the 3d 
view, and
you can also hide all nodes. by holding your mouse pointer over a 
object in the
3d view you can get a small print out of the content of that node too.

if you click on a object in 3d view to bring it up in the schematic view the
node you bring up bill be snapped to the position of the object in 3d view, so
if you rotate the 3d view with the right mouse button it will follow. How ever
all the old ways of moving zooming and re arranging the semantic view still
works. So you can just grab a node and move it and then it will not be 
to the 3d view any more. If you want it attached to the 3d view again 
just move
the node back over the 3d representation of the node.

I'm hoping to add more stuff like transform manipulators for the 3D view.


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