[Verse-dev] Connector source availability

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Mon Apr 3 08:39:24 CEST 2006

Its very hard to find connector if you dont know that its bundled with 
Loq Airou, I think it should should have its own entry in the CVS


Samium Gromoff wrote:

>On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 18:45 -0700, Robert S. Sarnoski wrote:
>>I am new to the list, but I did happen to see the
>>Connector source here:
>>No CVS as it is no longer maintained.
>>I believe it is now Co On:
>Oh, my mistake -- Connector source is  bundled together
>with Loq Airou, and is available at blender.org CVS.
>regards, Samium Gromoff
>Verse-dev mailing list
>Verse-dev at projects.blender.org

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