[Verse-dev] Connector source availability

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Apr 3 08:05:36 CEST 2006

Samium Gromoff wrote:
> Oh, my mistake -- Connector source is  bundled together
> with Loq Airou, and is available at blender.org CVS.

And Enough, and Persuade, and Quel Solaar. The latter was important
enough to name the CVS module, which is called "quelsolaar".

Happy to see the interest, having more people care about the CVS
version of this code would be really nice (it's already fresher
than the binaries).

About the naming, I've pretty much ignored the "Co_on" name; at least
in Uni-Verse, the program is still called "Connector" like always. I
feel it's a better name, but that's just my personal opinion.



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