[Verse-dev] three year period

Samium Gromoff _deepfire at mail.ru
Mon Apr 3 05:04:48 CEST 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 04:57 +0200, eskil at obsession.se wrote:
> Hi
> First of all Uni-verse is not verse. Uni-verse is a EU project that has gotten
> funds to develop things relating to verse, They didn't invent verse, they do
> not own verse, I do. But they have been nice enough to do some great work for
> the platform. Verse was around long before uni-verse and will be around for a
> long time to come. Developers have been payed to work on verse related things
> during the project (like me) but many people doing verse things just do it for
> fun. The project will end early 2007 so it has quite a bit to go.

Great to know, thanks for dissolving that not-so-good gut feeling i had!

Also, sorry if it was a little too rude a question..

> Cheers
> E

respectfully, Samium Gromoff

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