[Verse-dev] Test program "list-nodes.c" failure

Rikard Lindell rikard.lindell at mdh.se
Wed Sep 21 11:52:53 CEST 2005

Dear Verse Developers, I'm totally new to the verse protocol and  
verse server. My goal is to evaluate if its a useful library for a  
collaborative user interface research project. I've downloaded the  
verse code and ran make. I've built the test program "list-nodes.c",  
but it fails when I ran it and so does the enclosed demo verse  
server. What can be wrong? (My computer environment is Mac OS X  
10.4.2, I used the "Standard Tool" template of Xcode 2.1 for the  
"list-nodes.c" program)

Here is the feedback from the host:

[rll:~/Desktop/verse] rll% ./verse
Verse Server r5p0 by Eskil Steenberg <http://www.blender.org/modules/ 
Loaded 512-bit host ID key successfully
v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of socket to 1048576
v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket to 1048576
Handling connection, stage 0
Handling connection, stage 0
Handling connection, stage 2
Connecting 'list-nodes'
vs_node_create(4294967295, 0)
terminate (connection timed out)

Here is the feedback from the client:

[Session started at 2005-09-21 08:19:31 +0200.]
v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of socket to 1048576
v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket to 1048576
Handling connection, stage 1
Connected to a Verse host!

Listing nodes:
ZeroLink: unknown symbol '_verse_send_node_list'

versetest has exited due to signal 6 (SIGABRT).

Sincerely Rikard

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