[Verse-dev] Saving and Loading

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Thu Sep 15 14:45:58 CEST 2005


> I can understand your (=Verse's) idea very well. Thus I have a
> question: does the VML-saver rewrite the file every time the data on
> the Verse-server changes?

The point of haveing vml is so that you can save your data to disk turn
off your verse server create a new one and upload you data again. But yes
you can set the saver to save at an interval of say every 10 seconds.

A 3D file format is very much a different animal form verse, and this is
why i long has restisted having a "official" verse file format. I dont
want people confusing the two thinking that the verse api is just a way of
geting a file in to your app. Now we need VML for all sorts of practical
reasons, but thinking that VML is some way more linked to verse then any
other application comunicating with verse is wrong. Its just a verse app
like loq, Blender and many others and you shouldent looks at its behaviour
as a templet for how verse apps must/will behave, for that you should read
the verse spec.



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