[Verse-dev] Spec updated; Pitfalls page

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed May 18 17:50:26 CEST 2005

On Wed, 18 May 2005 17:10:36 +0200
Camilla Berglund <elmindreda at home.se> wrote:

> Emil Brink wrote:
> > The thing that pointed out the errors in the text node was Camilla's
> > 
> > very nice "Common Verse Pitfalls" page, here: 
> > <http://www.elmindreda.org/verse/pitfalls.html>.
> Anyone who has a point they'd like to add, please let me know, on the 
> list or off. Anything you found mystifying or had problems with. I'm 
> sure I've missed lots of common ones.

From my perspective, on the list is better since then it's a quicker path
for any eventual fix. On the other hand, being anonymous and going through
Camilla is just as fine as well, of course.



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