[Verse-dev] Verse & Gimp

Brecht Van Lommel brechtvanlommel at pandora.be
Sun Jul 3 14:27:18 CEST 2005


The windows plug-in is broken in the sense that it doesn't work with
the current release anymore, since it's for r4p0 (as marked on the
download page). So to run it you would need an r4p0 server, and
the gimp version in the REAMDE file (which might not be the latest
version either).

The source is up to date however, but the compilation process on
windows is painful. I don't have a computer running windows here,
so I can't compile it now ... .


Bmud wrote:
> What?? That's rediculous. Things like that shouldn't even be floating 
> around.. bogus downloads. FYI, i'm not knowledgable enough to complie 
> the plugin myself. I've got Dev C++, and a vary narrow knkowledge of 
> linking stuff... I might try it if I have time, but honestly, someone, 
> for the love of pete, update the windows version. It's silly to just 
> leave a dead version up on the web.
> Dee Hipp wrote:
>> Bmud wrote:
>>> I've never successfully gotten Verse & the GIMP to work correctly. On 
>>> any combination of windows systems I've tried. Is there a special 
>>> combination of release versions I need to use? I'm using Windows 2000 
>>> service pack 4 if that makes a difference.
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>> I emailed the guy who made the verse-gimp plugin.  He says that the 
>> verse windows release on his site is broken and doesn't work anymore.  
>> You'd have to compile it from source to get it to work right.  Hope 
>> that helps.  :)
>> ~Dee
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