[Verse-dev] Verse and HPVM

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Wed Feb 16 21:29:54 CET 2005

Verse is mainly used for "synchronization" of  3D data. Other data types 
exists like text and blobs but I don't think they would be very useful
for what I would envision you would like to do. But that is just a guess :-)

Have you looked at the Verse spec at 
http://www.blender.org/modules/verse/verse-spec/index.html  ?

Best Regards

Baldridge, Timothy wrote:

>Basically what I am interested in, is the ability to form some type of abstraction to the normal message passing interface. My goal, is to come as close to the fork() command, but on a cluster . But what I would be interested in using Verse for, is for syncing data across various machines. 
>I had understood that when a modification was made on one machine, it was synced automatically across all the machines. This is something that would be very useful for HPVM, because it would basically allow me to throw out the network code I currently use and focus on the higher level routines. Just as verse allows multiple users to all manipulate the same data as if they were on one machine, so HPVM tries to allow multiple processes to exist as if they were on the same machine. 
>Where would I find out more information about the blob and tag data? The verse documentation is rather skimpy.
>From: verse-dev-bounces at projects.blender.org on behalf of Gert Svensson
>Sent: Wed 2/16/2005 2:13 PM
>To: verse-dev at projects.blender.org
>Subject: Re: [Verse-dev] Verse and HPVM
>I would guess that HPVM is some implementation or variant of PVM
>the predominant message passing library for high performance
>applications at least before the
>MPI standard. Right?
>I don't see the relation with Verse either.
>Emil Brink wrote:
>>On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:54:42 -0600
>>"Baldridge, Timothy" <tbaldridge at alertacademy.com> wrote:
>>Hi Timothy.
>>>I'm the project manager for HPVM (http://hpvm.sourceforge.net). My
>>>project could greatly benefit from the Verse library. However, there
>>>are a few questions I do have.
>>Sure, fire away! From taking a quick look at your web, it's not entierly
>>obvious that Verse fits your needs at all, to be honest. Perhaps you
>>could expand a bit on what use you see for it?
>>>(1) Does Verse have a way to convert from little to big endian
>>>machines? In other words if the server is running on a Mac and the
>>>clients on Win32 machines, will they all co-exist peacefuly?
>>Absolutely. Verse's network transport layer encodes everything in a
>>known byte order (big-endian, to be specific) and then decodes it
>>on the receiving machine to the native order.
>>>(2) Is there a way to keep blocks of raw data on the Verse Server? If
>>>not how hard would it be to add one. Verse currently is a little too
>>>graphics oriented for my needs. I had thought of doing a fork, but if we
>>>could add a memory block object, that would take care of many issues,
>>>and give my project a big boost.
>>Well... Traditionally we (or rather Eskil, who is the inventor of the
>>protocol and its main designer) are rather conservative. The protocol
>>is designed for 3D graphics and "VR-like" applications, and more or less
>>assumes that is what it's going to be used for primarily.
>>That said, there is the "tags" system, have you read about it? Basic-
>>ally tags are named values that can be collected into groups and
>>attached to any node in Verse. For storing large amounts of data, there
>>is a "blob" (binary large object) tag type, which basically stores raw
>>bits. It is limited in size though, and because it is raw, Verse cannot
>>do any endian-conversions on the data held therein.
>>There's also the text node which is great for sharing anything that
>>can be encoded as text, but for large amounts of binary-ish data
>>that tends to be a bit costly due to the overhead.
>>>Anyway, any help would be great!
>>Perhaps you can shed some more light on what your interests in the
>>Verse protocol are?
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