[Verse-dev] Verse and HPVM

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Wed Feb 16 21:13:34 CET 2005

I would guess that HPVM is some implementation or variant of PVM 
the predominant message passing library for high performance 
applications at least before the
MPI standard. Right?

I don't see the relation with Verse either.


Emil Brink wrote:

>On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:54:42 -0600
>"Baldridge, Timothy" <tbaldridge at alertacademy.com> wrote:
>Hi Timothy.
>>I'm the project manager for HPVM (http://hpvm.sourceforge.net). My
>>project could greatly benefit from the Verse library. However, there
>>are a few questions I do have.
>Sure, fire away! From taking a quick look at your web, it's not entierly
>obvious that Verse fits your needs at all, to be honest. Perhaps you
>could expand a bit on what use you see for it?
>>(1) Does Verse have a way to convert from little to big endian
>>machines? In other words if the server is running on a Mac and the
>>clients on Win32 machines, will they all co-exist peacefuly?
>Absolutely. Verse's network transport layer encodes everything in a
>known byte order (big-endian, to be specific) and then decodes it
>on the receiving machine to the native order.
>>(2) Is there a way to keep blocks of raw data on the Verse Server? If
>>not how hard would it be to add one. Verse currently is a little too
>>graphics oriented for my needs. I had thought of doing a fork, but if we
>>could add a memory block object, that would take care of many issues,
>>and give my project a big boost. 
>Well... Traditionally we (or rather Eskil, who is the inventor of the
>protocol and its main designer) are rather conservative. The protocol
>is designed for 3D graphics and "VR-like" applications, and more or less
>assumes that is what it's going to be used for primarily.
>That said, there is the "tags" system, have you read about it? Basic-
>ally tags are named values that can be collected into groups and
>attached to any node in Verse. For storing large amounts of data, there
>is a "blob" (binary large object) tag type, which basically stores raw
>bits. It is limited in size though, and because it is raw, Verse cannot
>do any endian-conversions on the data held therein.
>There's also the text node which is great for sharing anything that
>can be encoded as text, but for large amounts of binary-ish data
>that tends to be a bit costly due to the overhead.
>>Anyway, any help would be great!
>Perhaps you can shed some more light on what your interests in the
>Verse protocol are?
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