[Verse-dev] Verse R4pre

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Thu Sep 16 23:47:23 CEST 2004

Eskil Steenberg wrote:
> Hi
>> I found out why it's crashing, and the little app I sent now works ok.
>> But larger apps still don't work (but don't crash either). I'll
>> investigate further.
well i have to say, why implementing a new server if the old one just 
doesn't work? ;-)
Ok, back to the facts:
I have nearly finished my application (a 3d scene viewer) now, and 
because there are no apps around that produce data to view, i had to 
write a generator program too (pusher).
I know connector and loq airou exist, but to be honest, they're very 
difficult to use and for me are completely useless (e.g. i want i font 
that is readable not just looking cool).

I develop under linux and everything seemed okay until two days ago. I 
have to show my results on a Windows computer (Win2k) and the server 
doesn't work most of the time. More facts:

With linux i can push one model, the second won't get pushed completly, 
the server doesn't react after some time, the pusher waits endless for 
data. At least the server can be used barely, so it would be okay for me.

With windows pushing models often lead to server crashes, or the server 
returns weird numbers (layer_id 56875 e.g.). It ignores also ignores data.
My technique is to generate all nodes first and then filling in the data 
when the nodes return from the server, finally setting the links.
For many models that moment never occours because the server stops 
reacting before it.

I have compiled the server with and without output, but output takes to 
long, so the server stops earlier.

It is obvious from the output that my pusher sends links but the server 
doesn't receive them.

This is very annoying, because how should i use verse when there is no 
working server? According to the discussions on this list the last days 
the new server is even worse.

Ah and the .exe you (Eskil) sent me doesn't work as well (crashes or the 
same behaviour like i described). It is version r3p0 though. My own 
compiled server is r3p2 and uses all the patches that Eskil sent me.

I don't think that the compiler produces trash code, it must be 
something else (the linux version also shows some weird problems as 
described, but seems to work a bit better - output turned on and sent to 
a file there).

To give you all a chance of testing my code and the server i have 
uploaded the complete code for you.

for the .exe's
for all needed .dlls and the .ppm files my app needs to run.
You can get the code for the viewer and pusher at
(The code is under the GPL).

The experiences with the server made me very angry, so this mail may 
sound a bit harsh, sorry.
I think a working server is important for all users.

The code may be interesting to look at, especially the pusher. Maybe 
other users can learn something how to use verse. I do everything like 
the spec recommends or after what Eskil and Emil gave me as definitions.

If there are bugs in the code, blame me and write me.
Please have a look at it and test it if you can. And test the behaviour 
of the server under Windows (i use VC++6, SP6)

Greetings, Thorsten

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