[Verse-dev] Verse R4pre

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Wed Sep 15 20:56:52 CEST 2004


>I tested the code for a while, and found it to be very unstable. All
>clients seem to either crash or stop working after a few commands. Still
>haven't gotten it to work. But here are some things I found:
Too band....

>There are two syntax errors, in v_network.c, v_n_get_current_time (the
>non-windows version). A ; is missing, and "*fractions +" should be
>"*fractions =".
Thanks, fixed.

>The 'bind' function is always called, even for clients. An unsuccessful
>call leads to exit(0) in the code, causing the client to quit. I guess
>that function works differently on other OSes.
I have fixed this, somewhat....

The problem is that verse can run multiple sessions using only one port 
and some may be  clients and some hosts.
(There is actually one new limitation in R4: you cant have two 
applications, with more then one connection between them...I dont know 
why any one would want to do that...)

>Also, Emil did a fix related to this in one of the previous releases
>(starting a client before the server would not work). Might be good to
>make sure it is in r4p0 as well.
we may add some API calls to check what port you get. that way we can 
get away form the exit(0).

>A minor remark: I think the return type of verse_session_get_avatar (now
>uint32) should be a VNodeID.
You are right, I just fixed it.

>In vs_node_storage.c, callback_send_node_list. Iterating over the nodes
>now starts at 1. It should either start at 0, or no node with id=0
>should be created.
Thanks fixed that too.

>I've also included a simple app that crashes, with logs and backtrace.
I havent had time to test you app yet but calling the same commands in 
Connector works fine... It might be a problem that doesnt show up the 
easily in windows.... Ill look in to it.

I have added a few new thing like timing stuff and some new animation 
code i hope to get it out by tomorrow.



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