[Verse-dev] Verse R4pre

Brecht Van Lommel blendix at pandora.be
Wed Sep 15 20:53:51 CEST 2004


I tested the code for a while, and found it to be very unstable. All
clients seem to either crash or stop working after a few commands. Still
haven't gotten it to work. But here are some things I found:

There are two syntax errors, in v_network.c, v_n_get_current_time (the
non-windows version). A ; is missing, and "*fractions +" should be
"*fractions =".

The 'bind' function is always called, even for clients. An unsuccessful
call leads to exit(0) in the code, causing the client to quit. I guess
that function works differently on other OSes.

Also, Emil did a fix related to this in one of the previous releases
(starting a client before the server would not work). Might be good to
make sure it is in r4p0 as well.

A minor remark: I think the return type of verse_session_get_avatar (now
uint32) should be a VNodeID.

In vs_node_storage.c, callback_send_node_list. Iterating over the nodes
now starts at 1. It should either start at 0, or no node with id=0
should be created.

I've also included a simple app that crashes, with logs and backtrace.


On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 11:05, Emil Brink wrote:
> Hello.
> I just uploaded a snapshot/prerelease/preview of the upcoming
> R4 release of the Verse core (protocol, server, and API). This
> is the result of the last few weeks of hacking by Eskil.
> The ZIP is at <http://www.blender.org/modules/verse/verse-r4pre.zip>.
> It is *very* rough around the edges, but I at least got it to
> compile under Linux after some massaging.
> I believe the intent here is to show you where the API is headed,
> but will leave it to Eskil to fill in the details.
> Regards,
> /Emil
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