[Verse-dev] Verse r4

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Sat Oct 23 16:27:13 CEST 2004

Emil Brink schrieb:
> On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 14:49:08 +0200
> Thorsten Jordan <Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de> wrote:
>>however larger models are still broken (bunny), texture coordinates are
>>missing. it seems that there is a problem with geometry layers.
> Hm... Didn't Brecht investigate these issues a bit? Not sure what came
> out of that, I should probably read up in the archives.

> Do you terminate your application immediately once all data is sent,
> without also subscribing to the layers to keep track of what data has
> been received by the host?
Brecht suggested doing that. I made a quick fix by not letting the 
pusher terminate the connection. it just sits forever calling 
callback_update, so this shouldn't be the problem.

Brecht said i have to confirm the sent data, quote:
"What might be going wrong is that the they have are not completely
received by the server. As far as I can see you are not waiting for
confirmation that the tiles were received, just for confirmation on the
layers. The same goes for (large) geometry."

how do i confirm? subscribe all layers, wait for every tile or layer 
entry until it is received before quitting the pusher?

> Did you already try doing a little loop before terminating the program,
> to give it a bit more time to actually flush all its buffers? Sending
> the connect_terminate command does not automatically do this, so it
> might be worth trying.
i haven't checked number for number (what was sent/pushed and what was 
received) yet. I would have to do so for debugging...

Greetings, Thorsten

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