[Verse-dev] verse4 experiences, part3 again

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Wed Oct 20 10:08:26 CEST 2004

Brecht Van Lommel schrieb:
> Hi,
> I can view the 4 textures included with the 'ppctest2.3ds' file just
> fine. Don't really know about the large geometry, don't have any
> geometry viewer running or any files on my computer now. Will try that
> later.
> What might be going wrong is that the they have are not completely
> received by the server. As far as I can see you are not waiting for
> confirmation that the tiles were received, just for confirmation on the
> layers. The same goes for (large) geometry.
i've tested that. You're right, when i let the pusher run the textures 
are ok (checked with the gimp plugin). But the geometry on large meshes 
or the texture coordinates on ppctest2 are still (partly) missing.

Greetings, Thorsten

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