[Verse-dev] timeouts

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Nov 29 08:28:32 CET 2004

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:14:43 +0100
Enrico Schwass <deckard73 at freenet.de> wrote:

> Hi


> Have tried the todays verse snapshot. Seems that the timeouts really 
> fast happens. Not only my own code, but render.c and connector, too.
> Is this a common  problem or my systems one? Or is it a feature? I
> use Linux and gcc 3.3

Not exactly sure what you mean here... Are you saying clients get un-
expectedly disconnected? That sounds like a problem, and I think we
would appreciate some more details there.

> And something other. The online docs say that you should use 0 as 
> parameter if you create a node. Is this right? Or has it to be ~0.

The latter is right, requests to create things should use an ID of
~0. Could you specify a little bit more precisely where in the spec
(which I guess is what you  mean by "online docs") zero is recommended?

> And why verse ignores IDs the user sets?

Because the user can't "set" IDs. Numerical IDs are always set by
the host, which is authorative. If you attempt to refer to an ID that
has not been given to you by the host, you are in error. Most times
such requests will be ignored, except for when you actually want to
request the creation of a node, layer, or equivalent, in which cases
you use the special ID of ~0, which is then replaced in the response
by a valid host-selected ID.

> And ... there is a function named node_set_name or similiar. Exists a 
> other way function. get_name, get_id or something like that?

Nope. :) You learn about node names by requesting a node listing;
the host will then send you the node_create command for each node of
a requested type, and the command includes the node's name.

Personally I would like to see a list_named command or equivalent,
as there is currently no simple way of going from knowing a node's
name to subscribing to it or even learning its numerical ID.

> BTW: I startet a project at http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubyverse/
> If you are interested in verse and ruby, you should take a look.

Cool! I did look at Ruby briefly when I first heard of it a couple
of years ago, but didn't stick with it.



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