[Verse-dev] 3DS loader in Python

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Fri Nov 12 13:01:57 CET 2004

Emil Brink schrieb:
> Hello.
> I just committed a 3DS file loader for Verse, written in Python,
> to the CVS. It's in the verse-tests module, browsable here:
> <http://projects.blender.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/verse-tests/?root=verse>
> and the filename is "load3ds.py". This requires Brecht's bindings,
> of course, available here: <http://users.pandora.be/blendix/verse/>.
> This is something I wrote rather quickly in the week following the
> Blender Conference, mainly to test out Python (which I've never used
> before) and also to familiarize myself with Brecht's work.
> There are doubtless bugs in this software, but I've found it able to
> at least upload some of Thorsten's simpler models (like the battleship
> from his game) fairly quickly. I believe there are bugs in Verse that
> sometimes break larger models; this is something Eskil needs to look
> into.
what features has the loader, i.e. which parts of a 3ds model can he upload?

Greetings, Thorsten

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