[Verse-dev] verse/loqairou crash

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Nov 3 08:28:27 CET 2004

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 19:45:16 +0100
Wouter van Heyst <larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was just playing around with Loq a bit (which btw is very nice
> to be doing on my Linux PPC setup, thanks!), and Loq crashed a couple of
> times. I'm not sure how stable Loq is supposed to be, so I wasn't overly
> worried, but on my last attempt it just sat there 'connecting'.

Well, it's freshly released code, and has probably not seen very extensive
testing at all, so (from experience) I would expect it to have its fair
share of bugs.

The "prolonged 'connecting' syndrome" might be a known issue, it involves
the host confusing a newly connecting client with one that just disconn-
ected, and attempting to resume communication rather than starting afresh.

I hope this will be looked into soon, as it is... rather annoying.

> Upon investigating I found verse itself had gone down:
> 	terminate
> 	callback_send_connect_terminate
> 	vs_node_storage.c Can't send node_destroy for type 2030490378--not
> 	implementedzsh: 28408 segmentation fault  ./verse
> I'm not sure how much of that is relevant, perhaps I'm even missing
> output.

Whoa, that one's new to me at least. Output looks a bit truncated, true.

> I suppose verse should not crash, does anyone have suggestions where to
> look before I attempt debugging this?

True, Verse of course should not crash. Still, it occasionally does, so
any further information would be helpful. There is no bug tracker or
similar feature, if that's what you're wondering... My suggestion would
be to rebuild Verse with debugging info enabled (add -g to CFLAGS on gcc
platforms) and then running it througha  debugger.

You don't need to dig into the code to actually fix the bug, but posting
a stack trace might be helpful to people like Eskil (and Brecht, perhaps).



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