[Verse-dev] New spec online

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Wed Aug 18 10:52:42 CEST 2004


I just uploaded a new version of the Verse specification to the
Blender-hosted project site.

It looks different from how it used to, but that is simply because
I upgraded the DocBook toolchain used to build it, there are no
changes in document structure.

The only content change is that I added a sentence in about the
"type" field of material output fragments, here:


This was triggered by some talk on the mailing list, and I hope this makes things at least slightly clearer.

Also, the main front page has been renamed, it used to be "book1.html" but is now a more normal "index.html". I symlinked it to preserve any
bookmarks you might have, but recommend updating them anyway.



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