[Verse-dev] v_gen_pack_b_node.c error

Chris Want verse-dev@blender.org
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 07:31:19 -0600

Hi E & E,

> Okay, it looks as if we had some kind of merge mistake. I think it is
> better now, Eskil has been sitting with me and pointing out the prob-
> lems. It slipped past be because a) for some reason I didn't do a
> full rebuilt attempt, although I was pretty certain I did, and b) the
> code uses plenty of type-less pointers, so there were no compiler
> warnings.

Whew, I thought I was going insane for a moment!

> Please get back to the list if it's still broken for you.

Compiles now.

BTW, I was wondering if you would consider using the
'?=' operatore more often in the Makefile (e.g., CC ?= gcc)
so that the user can override the compile, etc, in their
environment? A diff to do this is below.

One last thing: the compile fails on Irix with the mipspro
compiler (which is very picky). The compiler didn't like the
different declarations:

v_cmd_gen.c:  void v_cg_new_cmd(unsigned int type, const char *name, 
unsigned int cmd_id, VCGCommandType command)

v_cmd_gen.h extern void v_cg_new_cmd(VCGCommandType type, const char 
*name, unsigned int cmd_id, VCGCommandType command);

Changing the type of 'type' to be consistent fixes it.


--------------- >8 ---------------
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/verse/verse/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -r1.15 Makefile
--- Makefile    19 Mar 2004 12:06:22 -0000      1.15
+++ Makefile    29 Apr 2004 13:26:15 -0000
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
  # and running other C files (this is the protocol definition).

-CC     = gcc
-CFLAGS = -I$(shell pwd) -Wall -ansi
+CC     ?= gcc
+CFLAGS ?= -I$(shell pwd) -Wall -ansi

-AR     = ar
-ARFLAGS        = rus
+AR     ?= ar
+ARFLAGS        ?= rus

  TARGETS = libverse.a verse
--------------- >8 ---------------