[Verse-dev] Python Verse project up at projects.blender.org

tdyar@mit.edu tdyar@mit.edu
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 12:18:38 -0500


The Python-Verse project ( http://projects.blender.org/projects/pyverse/ ) aims 
to bring Verse networking functionality to python script coders.

pyverse-0.0.1 has been released. Right now, this file contains 2 zip archives, 
pyverse and python_verse_wrapper. pyverse is authored by me, Tom Dyar 
(d0pamine) and contains:
(a) SWIG (http://www.swig.org) interface file,
(b) MS Visual C++ 6 workspace and project file,
(c) a built python module and corresponding .pyd dynamic library for python 2.2

The python_verse_wrapper archive is released by Brecht Van Lommel (blendix). It 
contains a cleaner and more complete wrapper for Verse and will be the basis 
for future development.
