[Uni-verse] Agenda for PCC tomorrow

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Wed Sep 6 15:08:43 CEST 2006

Dear Friends,

here is the agenda for the computer conference PCC tomorrow Thursday 
September 7, 2006 at 10.00-12.00  MET DST
We use  IRC  irc:irc.freenode.net/uni-verse 
<http://irc.freenode.net/uni-verse> <http://irc.freenode.net/uni-verse> 
as usual.

Approval of deliverable reports

D4.2 High-performance rendering client FHG

D4.3 Slim rendering client FHG

D5.5 Radiosity module FHG

Follow up on late deliverables

D4.2 High-performance rendering client KTH (report missing)

D5.4 Dynamic mesh generation module II (no plan for delivery given)

D7.5 Perceptual based module II (delayed, proper plans given)

Distribution of payment from the commission

A proposal was distributed with email some days ago.

Update of web site

How is the new design by Paregos integrated?
Further improvements

Update of D9.1 and D9.2

30 months version of the Dissemination and Exploitation plans are 
required by the commission

Update of evaluation in digital media (Elephant Dream)
Public web server?

User manuals

The commission requested better user documentation at the last review
Shall we use some common format? Wiki?

New versions of Verse

Bug fixes in the protocol makes protocol incompatible with older versions.

Planning for the demo in Finland

Time schedules

Which architectural model?

Audio setup

Who is coming?

When should we meet

Planing meeting in conjunction with the show?

Other questions

Best Regards

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