[Uni-verse] Audio demo situation?

Samuel Siltanen saasilta at cc.hut.fi
Fri Nov 17 12:52:36 CET 2006

We tested the Windows version. Everything was black as before, unless the 
middle button was down. Only when we turned off the flare option, the scene
became visible. Is this expected behavior?

Samuel Siltanen
saasilta at cc.hut.fi

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Emil Brink wrote:

> > I downloaded and compiled Quelsolaar again in Linux. What I got was a
> > blank screen, and when I tried to move the mouse, the cursor was forced
> > into the center of the screen.
> Oh? That sounds odd. It is only supposed to lock the cursor when you click
> and drag the left mouse button, afaik.
> > Only when I pressed the middle button,
> > the scene did show up with the settings menu on top of it.
> Yes, the middle mouse button toggles the settings menu.
> > Could you just send the Windows binaries, because setting up the tools for
> > compiling the code would take too much time.
> Sure, here it is. Please find attached two Win32 binaries:
> * quelsolaar-rtt-on.exe - Quel, with render to texture enabled.
> * quelsolaar-rtt-off.exe - Quel again, with render to texture disabled.
> For the IST demo scene, you must use the latter, since it takes far too
> long to be practical, if trying to render the scene with render to texture
> enabled. Not sure why. Eskil said yesterday on IRC that he is going to add
> a button to switch RTT on/off at run-time.
> I also attached a text file:
> * qs_config.cfg - Quel solaar configuration file.
> The config file should replace the one you already have, in whatever
> directory you run Quel from. It sets the tesselation options to some low
> and safe values, to conserve memory.
> This file also disables shadow rendering, you might want to enable that
> manually.
> I was not aware you do not have a building environment for Win32, and really
> hope these run for you!
> Regards,
> /Emil

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