[Uni-verse] Review and demo

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Mon Apr 17 21:50:32 CEST 2006

Dear partners,

Im concerned about the achitecural demo in the review. The state of the 
matter is that one week before the review we have not been able to set 
up the demo system, not even parts of it, we have only run test of some 
of the sub-systems.

We do not have a working model that can run in a verse server. We do 
not, after two years of work, have a visual renderer that can correctly 
render a quite simple model not even without materials. This is in my 
oppinion the two most serius problems right now and the problems are 
VERY urgent to fix, how do we fix this? How do we get a working model? 
How to we get a working renderer that can be used as a navigator in the 

We do not even know if we can smoothly run an acoustic simulation in the 
current model as we have never been able to try.  The model has some 
complication like curved surface that have never been tested.

I think we are putting the whole project at risk if we can not do a good 
demo involving major parts of the whole project at the review. What we 
can end up in is that we can only show the acoustic simulation system 
without any involvment of verse and in my oppinion that would be a 

I have no other intensions of writing this then that I would like us to 
do a good impression at the review.

Best regards,

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