[Uni-verse] Software release

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Fri Sep 16 00:20:09 CEST 2005

Lauri Savioja wrote:

>Hi Gert,
>Integration and debugging of prototypes of D7.3 and D7.4 is under
>work, and should be finished in two weeks. Ludde, do you agree ?
Yes, I agree.

>The only problem with D7.4 is that the only currently supported audio
>signal processin platform, Mustajuuri, is running only in Linux. So,
>there is not much use to make Windows and OSX releases of D7.4, if
>there is no way to use them :-(. For more wide spreading of our
>results we will make pd versions as well, but it takes time and is not
>in the scope of this release.
>	Lauri
>On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Gert Svensson wrote:
>>Dear Friends,
>>we plan to do the first software release shortly.
>>We plan to have source and binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
>>The status of some of the items which has been indicated to be included 
>>in the first release is unclear with me:
>>FHG:   Slim Rendering Client (PDA Rendering "Pocket Verse") - 
>>preliminary prototype. Does it work for Verse 5?
>>FHG: Data Reduction Library. License question not solved.
>>II: Verse to Necro3D integration - prototype. Status unknown for me.
>>II  Framework for room acoustic modelling - prototype D7.3 and D7.4.
>>Could you please indicate the status of the listed items and also supply
>>the code and binaries for the distribution.
>>The actual assembling of the release is done by Emil so please  send the 
>>and binaries to him. 
>>Best Regards
>>Uni-verse mailing list
>>Uni-verse at projects.blender.org

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