[Uni-verse] [Fwd: FW: [UNIVERSE] Collada]

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Oct 12 13:23:07 CEST 2005

Ton Roosendaal wrote:
> Hi,
> In case you didn't answer it (and Eskil is too busy), here's what I  
> would write.


Great text, Ton! Here's hoping they "get it", now.

I'm not sure if we should also push a little for audio; I'm pretty sure[*]
Collada doesn't support any form of audio storage. Collada seems to be
strictly a static 3D graphics interchange format, while Verse is much more
dynamic (with the method call support), and also supports more kinds of
data (like audio and text).

[*] I'm not very familiar with Collada; I just searched the 1.3.1 spec for
     the words "audio" and "sound", and didn't find either.



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