[Uni-verse] Drafts - D9.1 & D9.2

Angela Plohman aplohman at dds.nl
Thu Feb 10 15:47:00 CET 2005

Hi everyone,

I have uploaded drafts of D9.1 (Exploitation Plan) and D9.2 
(Dissemination Plan) onto the Uni-Verse website 
<http://www.uni-verse.org> (after you login to the member section) under 
Work Package 9.

I am finalising the two overview tables for these deliverables and will 
upload them in the same place as soon as they are done.

Please send any comments you have on these drafts as soon as possible. I 
have indicated in yellow where I still have questions or need further 
input from some/all of you.

Many thanks for your contributions to these deliverables and please do 
not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

All the best,

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