[Uni-verse] Re: Audit

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Tue Feb 8 11:43:07 CET 2005

Dear Lauri,

the way the commission handles us is a scandal in my opinion.
Of course I didn't receive any answer from the commission as promised.
So now I called them and talked to the person who actually drafted the 
She gave the same message: we should only submit one audit certificate 
at the end of the project.
She also promised to talk the project officer so that they have the same 
opinion and confirm that
to me this afternoon.

So I think this question is settled now.

However, the planning of the audit is up to your organization. You don't 
need a certificate
until the end of the project but it may be more practical or cost 
efficient to divide the audit work
so it happens annually anyway.

Thanks for your help and patience in this matter!

Best Regards

Lauri Savioja wrote:

>Hi Gert,
>I have booked our Uni-Verse audit to happen next Monday. Could you
>please tell the current status of this issue. May I cancel this
>reservation or should we proceed with the audit? I should tell our
>officers as soon as possible what is our plan.
>	Lauri

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