[Soc-2017-dev] Weekly Report #13 - Silhouette Operator

Sebastian Witt W.Basti at gmx.de
Fri Aug 25 18:18:02 CEST 2017


  *Weekly Report #13 - Silhouette Operator*


The last week is over but there is still time until the submission 
deadline on 29th. I spend the whole week fixing bugs. The Silhouette 
Operator is still buggy but i was able to improve the stability a lot in 
this week.

Hole Bug

I fixed a bug which produced holes in the fillet (transition) geometry.



Edgering misalignment bugs

To compute the fillets the algorithm needs matching edge rings. One edge 
ring from one mesh gets welded together with its corresponding ring from 
the other mesh. Most of the bugs are in some way resulting in a ring 
misalignment and break the algorithm. After finding multiple possible 
bugs and bug causes i decided to rework the detection algorithm. The 
code is now simplified and structured. The new algorithm still needs 
some work though. It still fails in some cases unfortunately.


Normal orientation bugs

I fixed most of the normal orientation issues. Subtracted silhouettes 
are now inverse and the normals respect secondary ring (new geometry) 
orientation. I still need to fix the orientation of the normals when the 
primary ring (old geometry) orientation is inverse.


I was hoping to get a little more bugs done this week, but the rework 
was a lot of work and took more time than expected. The documentation 
and final submission is now my highest priority.


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