[Soc-2017-dev] vertex paint project - ply exporter

Howard Trickey howard.trickey at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 19:20:31 CEST 2017

Hi Darshan,

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:00 PM Darshan kadu <darsh7807 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Mr. Howard,
> I am fixing the issues from the thread you can see them on my commits.
I should make another experimental build to make it easier for artists to
test your changes since the last build.  Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

> Well, one user asked the new color layer should be default one but post
> #99 says that current functionality is better than default layer.
> What do you think which one is better here?
I wonder if other readers of this mail want to weigh in on this point? For
context, the question is: when you hit the + button to create a new vertex
layer, should it copy the colors from the current layer, or should it make
the colors all white?  Several users on the BA thread suggested that the
current behavior (copying) was "broken".  I can see that point of view:
usually a "+"-key functionality to create a new thing in Blender creates a
"blank" thing. E.g., new material gets diffuse white. But the dissenting
user says that now there is no way to copy an existing layer as a starting
point for a new layer (and that there is an easy key sequence to set a new
layer to all white if that's what you want). I can see that point of view
too.  The "right" solution would probably be to implement some kind of
"copy" & "paste" functions for vertex layers; but I wonder how often (if
ever?) this is needed?

I lean to thinking that I agree with the users who felt the current
behavior was broken, and thus agree with your change.  But don't feel
strongly about this. If other mentors don't feel strongly, maybe Darshan
you should try to get consensus from more users on the BA thread about
which behavior they prefer?

> From my proposal, only gradient feature is remaining, but instead of that
> I have done other features, and also at this stage, I should more focus on
> bugs and issues. So, it is fine if I don't do gradient feature?

I think it is fine if you don't do a gradient feature. It was never clear
to me anyway how to give the user fine control over what a gradient when
brushed would do. The bake-from-material-to-vertex-colors solution provides
a workaround anyway.  You should focus on bugs and issues right now.

> Thank you.
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