[Soc-2017-dev] Silhouette Operator Orthographic Matrix

Sebastian Witt W.Basti at gmx.de
Wed Aug 2 14:13:47 CEST 2017


I ran into a small problem. For the algorithm which calculates the 
intersection I need to project 3D points to 2D view coordinates.
To do so I used:

     ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(const ARegion *ar, const float co[3], 
float r_co[2], float mat[4][4])

This works as expected. But since the Silhouette is generated on a plane 
orthogonal to the camera I need the correct matrix for this function.
For now I used:

     ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(const RegionView3D *rv3d, Object *ob, 
float pmat[4][4])

Which is the same as:

     mul_m4_m4m4(vmat, (float (*)[4])rv3d->persmat, ob->obmat);


     mul_m4_m4m4(vmat, (float (*)[4])rv3d->viewmat, ob->obmat);
     mul_m4_m4m4(pmat, (float (*)[4])rv3d->winmat, vmat);

*The Problem:*

The winmat is the perspective matrix if in perspective camera mode.
Therefore *i need the orthographic winmat* while being in perspective mode.

Is it saved somewhere?

To workaround this I also tried a combination of:


which didn't work because "ED_view3d_viewplane_get()" returns different 
values for the viewplane if in perspective mode. (as expected)

For now i can just use the perspective matrix and work on other parts.
Let me know if you know where i can get the orthographic winmat.

have a nice day,

Sebastian Witt

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