[Soc-2014-dev] Weekly Report #5 BGE Cleanup & Support

brita britalmeida at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 01:45:06 CEST 2014

== This Week ==

   - ui cleanup: the goal was to start removing some unsupported options
   from the properties panel, the advantages for the user being less clutter
   and avoiding having options that do nothing, which might look like a bug to
   the user. However, after some discussion with Campbell, this goal was
   dropped. Some of the proposed changes are not easy to do implementation
   wise due to the way the interface code is designed, namely removing options
   from menus (Add Constraint and Modifier) and removing tabs. The rest of the
   proposed changes are removing specific buttons/widgets from inside the
   panels. I tested-removed one of them, but the conclusion is that this would
   lead to code clutter and layout alignment problems. For the time being, I
   left notes for future reference and for user reference too.
   - scene graph: (unplanned) I started looking at this for a better
   understanding of a specific GE area and because there is a considerable
   number (about 5) of related open bugs. I have started documenting my
   current understandings here, but it is still not enough to address the bugs
   with parent/child relations because they also related to the
   BL_DataConversion and initialization.
   - bugtracker: the goal was of 10 closed and it fell really short. After
   talking to some people, this seems to be normal.. Next week I'll try to
   reach the 30 closes midterm goal (currently at 20) and work out solutions
   for my current rate. I am reaching out for someone to help with the physics
   ones, and understanding a specific area to close related bugs (just not
   fast enough). I currently have 8 reports assigned to me waiting on
   something, so I might reach the goal.

'''General Development'''

   - scene graph cleanup ({{GitCommit|f12c182}}, {{GitCommit|00d0d96}})
   - ui cleanup ({{GitCommit|f12c182}}, {{GitCommit|f80b139}})

'''Fixed (Reported)'''

   - {{BugReport|33762}} - Texture fonts not working in single and
   multitexture mode. ({{GitCommit|82313b4}})

'''Fixed (Unreported)'''


'''Closed / Archived / Invalid'''

   - {{BugReport|28888}} - BGE Material - Alpha Blend: Add - not respecting
   object.color alfa value
   - {{BugReport|40486}} - Blender scene bug

Total: 1 fixed, 2 closed

== Next Week ==

   - 10 more fixes/closed reports
   - continue scene graph review
   - schedule a new BGE developer meeting
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