[Soc-2014-dev] Weekly Report #8: NURBS Modernization

Jonathan deWerd jjoonathan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 17:14:43 CEST 2014

(Apologies if this is a duplicate email. I see a copy of this email in gmail's "sent" folder but I don't see one in my inbox, so I'm sending again.)

* Finished the code that traverses BReps from 3dm files and cuts them into surfaces
* 2D Trim curves import as Nurb objects that are appended to a NurbList in their parent surface
	Just curves currently, I still have to get multi-part loops working
	Also they don't seem to be preserved by DNA even after calling makesdna...
* Moved surf_gridmesh into bf_blenkernel, promoted curve.c to curve.cpp (for future OpenNurbs use), fixed a few small bugs that caused, moved the GLUT debug code into blender/tests, convinced CMake to build and link it
* Wrote, debugged the method that builds the displist from the gridmesh
* Timed it, see pretty graph a few emails back
* Started writing NurbEdge structure to handle in general the sewing of trim edges and cyclic edges (e.g. so that spheres don't have seams)

Next up:
* I still need to finish the code that tessellates the trim curves. I didn't get much time to work on it today, so I'm planning to work on it tomorrow as well.
* Get trim curves to load/save from .blend files by figuring out what I'm doing wrong with makesdna
* Finish NurbEdge interface for defining edges to sew, get it in DNA as well
* Use NurbEdge to implement revolution surfaces

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