[Soc-2012-dev] Viewport FX - Week 06

Jason Wilkins jason.a.wilkins at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 07:06:14 CEST 2012

 Major accomplishments this week were committing all the work I've
done in the past few weeks and getting users to help me find
regressions.  I was holding off on this for fear of disrupting other's
work too much and that things would be so unstable that users would be
too frustrated by it.

The original plan was to work on two tracks from this point onward.
The first track was implementing the higher level changes needed to
make a more powerful and flexible viewport and the second track was to
continue debugging and polishing the compatibility layer with feedback
from users.  However there has been some schedule slip due to me being
ill and your more typical "bite off more than you can chew" type
slippage.  I'm going to hold off on the higher level features for now
and really nail down the basic foundation.  This may take 1 or 2 more

The merge I did about a week ago was rather involved.  The reason is
that every little format change to some glBegin/glVertex/glEnd code in
trunk creates a conflict.  Another problem is that new uses of
deprecated code seem to appear quite frequently.  To remedy this I
plan on merging as often as I can so that I never have an overly large
set of things to fix up.

That being said, I would really like for the compatibility layer to be
reviewed, revised, and included in trunk ASAP because if merging is
not consistently done from here on out it will "bit rot" incredibly
fast by my estimation.

I'll work on revised documentation and examples ASAP to assist people
in understanding and using the new code.

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