[Soc-2012-dev] Android Port - Weekly Report 11

Alexandr Kuznetsov ak3636 at nyu.edu
Sat Aug 4 05:52:55 CEST 2012

Week 11 (July 30- August 3)

   - All libs are bundled in one apk
      - The future releases will automatically overwrite libs (no need to
      delete the app)
   - Moved python also to apk
   - Did part of Sensor manager
      - 3 step hierarchy in GE is confusing (and probably unnecessary)
   - Resolved some merges conflicts
   - Spend a lot of time fixing crashes on Tegra 2
      - All libs were built with float optimization with NDK r7
      - NDK 7b fails on Tegra 2
         - Because gnu stl (including math functions) were built with NEON
         optimization in NDK
      - Updated to r8b
         - Uses gcc 4.6
         - Has bug http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=35279
         - Tegra 2 also fails due to missing __aeabi_ldiv0 function
         - Also, blenderplayer lib was suspiciously smaller
      - Downgraded to r8
         - Solved the problem
      - Will file a bug report
   - Ported whole Blender to soft matrix stack (only GE was ported before)
      - New gpu matrix functions
         - Rotate-s and gpuProject
      - Still few bugs to resolve
      - also GE clean up/optimization

Next Week ToDo

   - Resolve remaining matrix stack bugs
   - Make VBO compatibility interface
   - Finish Sensor in GE (python API)
   - Text, lines, builtin shaders
-------------- next part --------------
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