[Soc-2011-dev] Weekly Progress Report #7 - libmv Tracker

Matthias Fauconneau matthias.fauconneau at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 19:42:08 CEST 2011


Complete formatted version of the report (with screenshots):

We need artists to test the new Qt OpenCV calibration tool.
This tool takes calibration footage and output lens parameters.
You'll need these parameters for accurate reconstruction.

To test it:
Install Qt and OpenCV (and the -devel packages on binary distros)
git pull https://github.com/Matthias-Fauconneau/libmv.git
cd libmv

1) This will also build libmv, its dependencies and Qt Tracker

make && bin-opt/bin/qt-calibration

Or 2) Build only the calibration tool
cd src/ui/calibration && qmake && make && build/calibration

=== Week 6: June 24 - July 1 ===

Keir Mierle finished 3D reconstruction.

"The elevator sequence now reconstructs with 0.2 pixel average
re-projection error"

=== Week 7: July 1 - July 8 ===

* Use P_From_KRt from projection.cc.
* Remove momentum in scene view.
* Build OpenCV 2.2
* Qt OpenCV Calibration Tool
** Detect calibration checkerboard using OpenCV Calib3D.
** Compute camera intrinsic parameters
** Undistort images and corners to verify parameters
** Output custom XML lens calibration profile.

Now that we have working calibrated 3D reconstruction, we need easy
ways to determine camera intrinsic parameters.

As we don't expect Blender to bundle OpenCV and provide their own
calibration tool,
I'm developing an user-friendly Qt OpenCV calibration tool.

Meanwhile Keir is working on auto-calibration. This method infer the
camera intrinsic
parameters directly from the tracked footage, it is not as accurate
but it doesn't require the user to shoot calibration footage.

=== Week 8: July 8 - July 15 ===

Since reconstruction need many tracks to work accurately, it becomes
cumbersome for an artist to select enough easy to track uniformly
spaced markers.

Automatic Feature Detection will help artists by creating an initial
set of desirable markers.

Some time will also be reserved to test, debug, improve and document our tools.

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