[Soc-2007-dev] Friday status report

joe joeedh at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 09:18:04 CEST 2007

Hi.  This week I've been mostly really really sick.  I did get some
modest work done though (pretty pictures follow!):

With DSM:

Comparison with irregular:

Another DSM test:


Compare with classical-halfway buffers:


And compare with no shadows at all:


Wahoo! DSM buffers actually work. . .sortof. The idiotic bug where DSM
maps can only be initialized in the ztransp pass function is still
there, so you have to a) have all the objects in your scene be ztransp
with an alpha less then 1.0 (0.999 will do), and b) only render in one
big tile, e.g. with x/yparts = 1.

I still need to properly get basic soft shadows working, at the moment
I'm using a hardcoded soft value. . .and I abuse the OSA jitter table
*cringe*.  Also there turned out to be a bug (likely a known and
tolerated one) in the transparent zbuffer code; see my mail on the
bf-committers about that.

Next week I need to solve the must-inilized-in-zbuffer_transp_shade
bug, get basic soft shadows working, then maybe I'll take a crack at
colored shadows and evaluating materials (and thus their textures)


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