[Soc-2007-dev] Friday status report

Levi Schooley levischooley at eaglecom.net
Sat Jun 23 02:35:39 CEST 2007

Well, this past week didn't go so hot for me. I caught a cold, and
that put a damper on things a bit. I also had the bright idea of
purchasing a new notebook computer and transferring my development
to there. That consumed two day's worth of my time, and I still
have nothing to show for it.

Anyway, here's what I accomplished last week:
1. I made a little progress on the BMesh conversion functions, but
not as much as I had hoped.
2. I studied the editmode tools code quite a bit, focusing a lot
on the Transform() infrastructure to see if it was something I
could use for my interactive preview.
3. I communicated with my mentor regarding project specifications
and design, but haven't updated the wiki with the new information.

What I plan to do next week:
1. Finish the modifier hooks, conversion functions, etc. so that I
am ready to begin working on the bevel code.

1. I really, really would like to get a build environment on my
new machine. If anyone has any pointers for getting a build going
in Vista, I would appreciate it if you would tap me on the
shoulder in IRC. Nathan Letwory has helped me some already.


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