[Soc-2006-dev] SoC weekly reporting

Jean-Luc Peurière jlp at nerim.net
Sat Jun 24 11:48:08 CEST 2006

Le 24 juin 06 à 02:43, Nicholas Bishop a écrit :

> This sounds like a lot of extra complexity without offering any
> advantages. By simply replacing the mesh data (Mesh.mvert, Mesh.mface,
> Mesh.medge) on switching to a multires level, almost everything that
> already works with meshes (sculpting, editmode tools, modifiers) will
> work without any modifications. No need to create extra data, convert
> to DerivedMesh, or any of the other necessary steps when working with
> modifiers.

As i said earlier, i can understand the need for sculpting reason to  
do it
outside of normal modifiers stack. I dont like the situation, but i  
agree it
may be problematic to integrate. your solution is not bad on this aspect

But, outside of sculpt mode, the user may want  to pose or animate
the mesh, and you have now a problem, because the mesh is
now so heavy you cant easily deform or edit it.

So, if you do it outside of the stack, you need a way to feed back the
results to the stack, for other operations.

that can be a command to convert a given level of mrm to normal
subsurf modifier (but you must be sure you use same subdiv
  algorithm) or a placeholder modifier to take the result. i would
  probably favor convert but if you implement not equivalent
subdiv, you'll need the latter

the important point is to not  have to deal with the full derived mesh
in edit mode, but only the base one.

Brecht remarks for uses or mrm outside of sculpt context are valid too,
but your role would be only to allow for it, it is outside of your  

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