[Openexr] Wrapping things up...

Gernot Ziegler gz at lysator.liu.se
Fri Sep 23 00:58:57 CEST 2005

Hej !

> Gernot, you're doing the makefiles & SCons stuff, right?
No, sorry, I won't be doing anything - I will soon return from Stanford to
Germany, and long for a vacation (hadnt had any all summer).

> I'm sorry for being pushy, but the deadline is coming.
Errr, deadline ? I already pointed out to Ton that this is a project I do
whenever time allows, and currently I have exactly no time left.
Deadlines do not exist for me in such a project.
I will however at least meet with Florian Kainz next week to find out more on the
Z representation.

Since you seem to be wholeheartedly at it for the moment, Austin, I would
like you to lead the actual software developement, if you like :-) - I
will be available by e-mail, but cannot currently contribute more than
that, sorry.


O  The Austria <=> Sweden <=> Germany <=> Netherlands connection.....   H
|  http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~gziegler | http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz   E

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