[Network] Edit Profile, Services and Membership feedback

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 21:36:09 CEST 2012

Hi Bart,

Edit Profile:
  * if I want to change the picture I need to first remove it, and then add
a new one
  (it would be more convenient to simply pick a new one)

  * for the freelancer it's strange to call your profile picture a 'logo'
Perhaps the text could be 'Photo/Logo' ?
[ edit - just noticed that in the Membership there is a place for pictures,
so that was really the logo - you can ignore that OR make it more clear, it
was confused at first for me ]

  * Is there a recommended size/aspect ratio/format ? If so, it would be
good to tell that

 * the list of services doesn't follow a consistent capitalization scheme
(e.g. we have 'Python scripting' and 'Blender Core')

Edit Membership Information
 * I just noticed that my country is listed as Andorra. I think we either
bring 'country' to the main sign up form (making 'select your country' the
default, but forcing the user to choose one) or have a blank default one.

* Since we have things such as 'training', 'consulting', ... what about
having an entry field to list the languages you are fluent with? (though I
can add that in my description field)

* pictures: although the logo seems to be sized to fit in the page, the
main picture is cropped as it seem. we need to know the size/aspect ratio
of the picture.

That's all for now, Thanks for the wokr so far
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