[Durian-svn] [2168] update to finals config script, give commands to move cache into final dir

campbell institute at blender.org
Mon Apr 19 14:29:35 CEST 2010

Revision: 2168
Author:   campbell
Date:     2010-04-19 14:29:35 +0200 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010)
Log Message:
update to finals config script, give commands to move cache into final dir

Modified Paths:

Modified: pro/scripts/modules/finals_config.py
--- pro/scripts/modules/finals_config.py	2010-04-19 12:24:48 UTC (rev 2167)
+++ pro/scripts/modules/finals_config.py	2010-04-19 12:29:35 UTC (rev 2168)
@@ -2,13 +2,37 @@
 import finals_config
 import bpy
 import os
-def setup():
+def setup(baked=False):
+    def pointcache_dirs(point_cache):
+        # cache path local: from
+        cache_dir = bpy.utils.expandpath(point_cache.id_data.library.filename) # expand //
+        cache_dir = os.path.normpath(cache_dir) # remove ../../
+        cache_dir = os.path.splitext(cache_dir)[0] # remove .blend
+        cache_base_dir, cache_base_name = os.path.split(cache_dir)
+        cache_path_from = os.path.join(cache_base_dir, "blendcache_" + cache_base_name)
+        # cache path global: to
+        base_dir, base_name = os.path.split(bpy.data.filename)
+        cache_path_to = os.path.join(base_dir, point_cache.name, point_cache.name)
+        return cache_path_from, cache_path_to
+    def pointcache_generic_setup(point_cache, frame_start, frame_end):
+        point_cache.frame_start = frame_start
+        point_cache.frame_end = frame_end
+        point_cache.step = 1
+        point_cache.disk_cache = True
     base_dir, base_name = os.path.split(bpy.data.filename)
     base_name = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0]
@@ -19,33 +43,46 @@
     frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
     # Sintel
-    obj = bpy.data.objects.get("GEO-hair_emitter")
+    obj = bpy.data.objects.get("GEO-sintel_hair_emit")
     if obj:
-        print("finals_config.py: configuring sintel's hair")
+        psys = obj.particle_systems["sintel_hair"]
         # change per scene
-        obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.frame_start = frame_start
-        obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.frame_end = frame_end
-        # obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.external = False
-        obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.name = "sintel_hair_" + base_name
-        # obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.filepath = base_dir
+        pointcache_generic_setup(psys.point_cache, frame_start, frame_end)
+        psys.point_cache.name = "sintel_hair_" + base_name
+        if baked:
+            psys.point_cache.external = True
+            psys.point_cache.filepath = os.path.join(base_dir, psys.point_cache.name)
+        else:
+            if psys.point_cache.external:
+                psys.point_cache.external = False
         # static settings
-        obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.step = 1
-        obj.particle_systems[0].point_cache.disk_cache = True
-        obj.particle_systems[0].hair_dynamics = True
+        psys.hair_dynamics = True
-        obj.particle_systems[0].cloth.settings.pin_stiffness = 0.4
-        obj.particle_systems[0].cloth.settings.quality = 20
+        psys.cloth.settings.pin_stiffness = 0.4
+        psys.cloth.settings.quality = 20
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.child_nbr = 40
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.draw_step = 4
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.mass = 0.03 # was 0.01
+        psys.settings.child_nbr = 40
+        psys.settings.draw_step = 4
+        psys.settings.mass = 0.03 # was 0.01
+        if not baked:
+            cache_path_from, cache_path_to = pointcache_dirs(psys.point_cache)
+            print("finals_config.py: configuring sintel's hair")
+            print("    mkdir '%s'" % (cache_path_to))
+            print("    mv %s/* %s/" % (cache_path_from, cache_path_to))
+        else:
+            print("finals_config.py: configuring sintel's hair (NEEDS BAKING)")
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.mass = 0.0
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.keyframe_insert("mass", -1, 1)
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.mass = 10.0
-        obj.particle_systems[0].settings.keyframe_insert("mass", -1, 40)
+        psys.settings.mass = 0.0
+        psys.settings.keyframe_insert("mass", -1, 1)
+        psys.settings.mass = 10.0
+        psys.settings.keyframe_insert("mass", -1, 40)

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