[Bf-webcontent] Blender 2.72 Features Page

Nkansah Rexford nkansahrexford at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 21:20:53 CEST 2014


I just checked the page on chrome on android and there seems to be a bit of
a situation with the menu and homepage.

1) The menu toggles open, but refuses to close, whether clicking on the
menu icon or outside the menu overlay, it doesn't close (at least, same
issue sitewide on my side here. I've tried refreshing, happening still.)
I'm using chrome for android, latest version.

2) on the homepage, when the menu is open, the z-index of the text of the
slider section causes an overlay over the menu, blocking the menu items.
Like this: http://imgur.com/WuhjEpd

The last time I checked the site, the above issues weren't there so its
likely something simple might have changed.
On Oct 5, 2014 7:55 PM, "Pablo Vazquez" <venomgfx at gmail.com> wrote:

Congratulations developers on a great 2.72!

First: Thanks Marco Ardito for the work on the features page!

I made a few cosmetic changes:

- Split the top text into two paragraphs.
- Converted the "Download Blender 2.72 here" text into a big h3 button,
aligned to the center.
- Separated the intro splash/text with a <hr/>

- Title for "What's new in 2.72"
- Each section is surrounded by a "box" class that makes it easier to
recognize they're different topics.
- Also, each section had a title>image>description. Made it so it's now
image>title>description. The image on the top makes it align nicely and
doesn't break the "reading" flow.
- Each image had it's own width and height, which made it look a bit noisy.
Fixed it by adding the classes 'img-responsive' and 'width-full' to the img
tag. Additionally, made a new class called "featured_image", which when
applied to the <a> surrounding the image, it will crop it at 280px height
(regardless if it's bigger originally), so they all look the same.
- Made the image link to the actual documentation, not the image itself.
- Text changes:
-- "Addons" to "Add-ons"
-- "Freestyle NPR Rendering" to "Freestyle Non-photorealistic Rendering"

Result: http://www.blender.org/features/2-72/

There are more things that can be done, especially replace these images not
highres enough to fit the width. But this is a nice step forward.

Thanks again to Marco for the initial work, hopefully I didn't mess up

And hopefully we can do this before the release next time, will ask Ton to
use some hours of my Blender Institute time for the next release :)

Pablo Vazquez
CG Artist - Blender Foundation Certified Trainer
Twitter: @PabloVazquez_ <http://twitter.com/pablovazquez_>
Blender Network: blendernetwork.org/pablovazquez
Email: contact at pablovazquez.org
Website: pablovazquez.org <http://www.pablovazquez.org>

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