[Bf-webcontent] Blender 2.72 Features Page

Pablo Vazquez venomgfx at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 19:54:56 CEST 2014

Congratulations developers on a great 2.72!

First: Thanks Marco Ardito for the work on the features page!

I made a few cosmetic changes:

- Split the top text into two paragraphs.
- Converted the "Download Blender 2.72 here" text into a big h3 button,
aligned to the center.
- Separated the intro splash/text with a <hr/>

- Title for "What's new in 2.72"
- Each section is surrounded by a "box" class that makes it easier to
recognize they're different topics.
- Also, each section had a title>image>description. Made it so it's now
image>title>description. The image on the top makes it align nicely and
doesn't break the "reading" flow.
- Each image had it's own width and height, which made it look a bit noisy.
Fixed it by adding the classes 'img-responsive' and 'width-full' to the img
tag. Additionally, made a new class called "featured_image", which when
applied to the <a> surrounding the image, it will crop it at 280px height
(regardless if it's bigger originally), so they all look the same.
- Made the image link to the actual documentation, not the image itself.
- Text changes:
-- "Addons" to "Add-ons"
-- "Freestyle NPR Rendering" to "Freestyle Non-photorealistic Rendering"

Result: http://www.blender.org/features/2-72/

There are more things that can be done, especially replace these images not
highres enough to fit the width. But this is a nice step forward.

Thanks again to Marco for the initial work, hopefully I didn't mess up

And hopefully we can do this before the release next time, will ask Ton to
use some hours of my Blender Institute time for the next release :)

Pablo Vazquez
CG Artist - Blender Foundation Certified Trainer
Twitter: @PabloVazquez_ <http://twitter.com/pablovazquez_>
Blender Network: blendernetwork.org/pablovazquez
Email: contact at pablovazquez.org
Website: pablovazquez.org <http://www.pablovazquez.org>
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