[Bf-webcontent] Re: Fwd: Blender.org website section email

Glen Moyes metsys at icubenetwork.com
Thu Jan 27 20:53:58 CET 2005

 > Each mirrorsite has a different 'documentroot' for our files. Is 
that  what you mean?

Yeah, that's what I wanted to find out. The problem is since the mirrors 
have to use our directory structure they will have to move the video 
tutorials if we put them anywhere besides a root directory. Here's a 
look at the way our mirrors store the video tutorials now:


If we decide to put the video tutorials under "vt/" or something like 
that the mirrors will have to move the files. This shouldn't be a big 
problem though, since I assume this is only going to happen once.

- Glen

Bart Veldhuizen wrote:

> Hi Glen,
> I can add an extra description line; this is a good idea. We do 
> require  each mirror to use the same directory structure, but it can 
> start at  any point on their website. To illustrate this, here's a 
> sample from  the mirror script (if you're interested in seeing the 
> whole script,  just let me know):
> // define the mirror sites and their descriptions
> // sites must have an ending slash
> $G_sites = array(    'http://download.blender.org/'         => 
> 'Blender  Foundation Site (Europe)',
>                 'ftp://ftp.cs.umn.edu/pub/blender.org/'    => 
> 'University of Minnesota  (USA)',
>                 'http://planetmirror.com/pub/blender/'    => 'Planet 
> Mirror (USA)'
>             );
> Each mirrorsite has a different 'documentroot' for our files. Is that  
> what you mean?
> Cheers,
> Bart
> Op 27-jan-05 om 20:20 heeft Glen Moyes het volgende geschreven:
>> Oh yeah, this mirroring script is going to be nice. This is going to  
>> make my job that much easier.
>> Not having BitTorrent shouldn't be a problem. I'm always getting  
>> emails from people that want to host the files, however I have to 
>> turn  most of them down because they only have a few GB bandwidth a 
>> month  (previous experience shows that the least popular mirror needs 
>> at  least 20GB bandwidth a day just to host the files). So basically 
>> any  mirror with anything less than unlimited bandwidth has went down 
>> fast  and hard. In the future we are going to have far more video 
>> tutorials  than we have now. My concern is that even our best mirrors 
>> won't be  able to handle it. Making these available at the e-shop 
>> would help  with the downloads.
>> Also, I have one mirror that wants to put a link to their hosting  
>> company next to his. Because his hosting company understood that it  
>> was for an open source project they cut him a break that really 
>> helped  him become on of our better mirrors. Putting a link there 
>> would make  his hosting even happier (considering how much of their 
>> bandwidth he's  using). Anyway, with this script is it possible to 
>> put a separate link  to the hosting company next to the mirror link? 
>> Or should the mirror  link just be "My Mirror (hosted by 
>> www.hosting-blah.com) (USA)"?
>> Also, does the URL to the mirror have to contain "release/filename" 
>> or  "videos/filename" or whatever directory name we decide use? 
>> Because  every mirror I have does it differently.
>> - Glen

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